Distillation Hackathon

Niall Swaidani
Mateusz Bagiński
Nikita Menon
Tiger Du
Nickolai Leschov
Siao Si Looi
Siao Si Looi
Timothy Abraham Hendrianto
Aishwarya Gurung
Kabir Kumar
Chatrik Mangat
Jonas Kgomo
Jannes Elstner
Arjun Verma
Aideen Fay
Olivier Coutu
Jonas Kgomo
Sai Shinjitha M
John Dziak
Millon Madhur Das
Heramb Podar
Harrison Gietz
Arjun Panickssery
Hosted by AI Safety Info
June 16th to June 18th
Submissions due in
Submit entry!

This hackathon ran from June 16th to June 18th 2023

Join us for the Distillation Writathon where you are tasked with writing more digestible versions of existing literature in AI safety research and theory!

See the information document for up-to-date information on the event, e.g. how the top projects are selected.

You have multiple options for questions to attempt to distill!

  • Pick a question from our idea sheet to work on
  • Take one from the full list of questions on Coda, if it has a status of “Not started”, “In progress”, or “Bulletpoint sketch”
  • Think of a new question (but first ask in the #distillation-hackathon channel on Discord if it’s a good fit for the site)
  • Use a keyword to find another question already in the system. For example, if you want to see if there’s a question in progress about Cartesian frames:
  1. Go to aisafety.info
  2. Search for "cartesian frames"
  3. Click “I’m asking something else” when no live articles show up
  4. Click on the “edit” button next to one of the in-progress articles that show up to go to the doc


  • Friday, June 16th, 7am UTC: Participants may start!
  • Sunday, June 18th, 11pm UTC: Wrap-up Discord/GatherTown group call

Other information

Tiger Du
Niall Swaidani
Jonas Kgomo
and others!
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Past experiences

See what our hackathon participants have said about previous events
Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier
Interpretability hackathon
The hackathon was a really great way to try out research on AI interpretability and getting in touch with other people working on this. The input, resources and feedback provided by the team organizers and in particular by Neel Nanda were super helpful and very motivating!
Luca De Leo
AI Trends hackathon
I found the hackaton very cool, I think it lowered my hesitance in participating in stuff like this in the future significantly. A whole bunch of lessons learned and Jaime and Pablo were very kind and helpful through the whole process.

Alejandro González
Interpretabiity hackathon
I was not that interested in AI safety and didn't know that much about machine learning before, but I heard from this hackathon thanks to a friend, and I don't regret participating! I've learned a ton, and it was a refreshing weekend for me.
Alex Foote
Interpretability hackathon
A great experience! A fun and welcoming event with some really useful resources for starting to do interpretability research. And a lot of interesting projects to explore at the end!
Sam Glendenning
Interpretability hackathon
Was great to hear directly from accomplished AI safety researchers and try investigating some of the questions they thought were high impact.

Research project ideas

Get inspired for your own projects with these ideas developed during the reading groups! Go to the Resources tab to engage more with the topic.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Summarize the main positions of AI safety researchers regarding AI risk.


Submit your project

Submit your projects here!

Google Forms submission page
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Registered jam sites

Factored Distillation @Equiano Institute
This is a Africa-wide hackathon, with main satellites in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Kenya.

Register your own site

The in-person hubs for the Alignment Jams are run by passionate individuals just like you! We organize the schedule, speakers, and starter templates, and you can focus on engaging your local research and engineering community. Read more about organizing and use the media below to set up your event.
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