We'll will be joining the Alignment Jam Hackathon on Benchmarks and language models from Oxford.
OxAI Benchmarks and Language Models Hackathon
Stanford AI Alignment and Berkeley AI Safety Student Initiative are hosting a joint AI alignment hackathon!
Stanford x Berkeley AI Oversight Hackathon
Join with teams online in the great virtual hackathon space!
Virtual Scale Oversight Hackathon
Join us from DTU, ITU and KU for the machine learning research hackathon with Alignment Jams! Howitzvej 30, 2000 Frederiksberg
Copenhagen Scale Oversight Hackathon
Join in the Nobelpark at Aarhus University for 48 hours of fun research!
Aarhus Scale Oversight Hackathon
An AI safety hackathon at the University of Michigan organized by the Michigan AI Safety Initiative (MAISI).
MAISI Hackathon: Benchmarks and Language Models